An adventure to Sukamade beach in banyuwangi
Have you ever wanted to see turtles nesting on a beach? If so, then you should definitely add Sukamade beach in banyuwangi to your list of places to visit. During certain times of the year, you can find turtles coming up on the sand to lay their eggs. It’s an amazing sight to see and one that you won’t soon forget.
Sukamade beach in Banyuwangi is a land turtles’ paradise. The best time to see them is at night when they come up from the ocean to lay their eggs on the sand. It’s an amazing sight and an amazing experience to see these creatures up close.
Sukamade beach in banyuwangi
Every year, thousands of turtles come to the beach to lay their eggs. Sukamade beach in banyuwangi is a great place to see turtles nesting on the sand. It’s an adventure that you won’t want to miss! The best time to see the turtles is at night, when they come ashore to lay their eggs. You can’t see them during the day, cause it’s not as exciting. Either way, it’s a great experience that you’ll never forget!
The best time to go is during the nesting season, which is from October to February. During this time, you can see turtles laying their eggs on the beach. You can also see baby turtles hatching and making their way into the water.
Sukamade beach in banyuwangi
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